Verso il museo

Atti del convegno di studi Latera 30 maggio 1998 (Towards the museum. Proceedings from the study conference of Latera May 30th 1998)

Author: Edited by Marcello Arduini
Editor: Comune di Latera


Verso il museo. Atti del convegno di studi Latera 30 maggio 1998 (Towards the museum. Proceedings from the study conference of Latera May 30th 1998), presents the proceedings of the study conference held in Latera on May 30th 1998 at the Museo della terra. The meeting, organized on the anniversary of Saint Isidoro’s celebration, was attended by some of the most prominent figures in the demoetnoanthropological field. Some of the speakers included Alberto Mario Cirese, author of foundational studies on museum anthropology, who offered an in depth reflection on the relationship between museums and volatile assets; Luciana Mariotti, anthropologist from the Museum of National Arts and Folk Traditions of Rome, curator of the research and exhibits of the newborn museum; Quirino Galli, director of the museum of folk traditions of Canepina. Introduction and editing of the book by Marcello Arduini.