Chi lavora sotto un tetto è benedetto

Artigianato a Latera nel ventesimo secolo (Blessed are those who work under a roof. Craftsmanship in Latera in the XX century)

Author: Edited by Fulvia Caruso
Editor: Comune di Latera


Chi lavora sotto un tetto è benedetto. Artigianato a Latera nel ventesimo secolo (Blessed are those who work under a roof. Craftsmanship in Latera in the XX century), is a collaborative effort between the author and interns from the course on anthropological theories and practices of La Sapienza’s Faculty of Literature, to examine the knowledge connected to objects from the Poscia collection in depth. A research driven by the desire to look past the objects themselves and discover the stories of those who used them, in order to get a bigger picture of the local artisan culture. The interviews collected in this book are full of useful information about the objects and professions and offer an insight into the ways of life of an entire community.